Spatial Economic Analysis
EconAlyze, LLC

EconAlyze, LLC


Works in Print Randall Jackson

... as of July 2023


  1. Bolton, R., Jackson, R., and West, G. Introduction to special issue on regional input-output modeling. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 23 (1989), 237–240.

  2. Bolton, R. E., Jackson, R. W., and West, G. R. The construction and use of regional input- output models: Editors’ introduction to the special issue. International Regional Science Review 13 (4 1990), 1–7.

  3. Bowen, W. M., Randall, J., and de Arau´jo Ina´cio Fernandes, F. N. A. B. Proximate causes of worldwide mega-regional co2 emission changes, 1995–2009, 2020.

  4. Burnett, J. W., Jackson, R. W., and Blobaum, R. The state of play in poland’s unconventional shale and oil development. Development Policy Review 33 (2015), 395–414.

  5. Chen, J., and Jackson, R. W. Coauthorship in regional science: A case study of the wvu rri research community. International Regional Science Review 41 (2017), 387–409.

  6. Cheng, S. M., Stough, R. R., and Jackson, R. W. Measuring and building high-quality en- trepreneurship: a research prospectus. Innovation-the European Journal of Social Science Research 22 (2009), 329–340.

  7. Choi, T., Jackson, R. W., Leigh, N. G., and Jensen, C. D. A baseline input-output model with environmental accounts (ioea) applied to e-waste recycling. International Regional Science Review 34 (2011), 3–33.

  8. Cohen, J. J., Elbakidze, L., and Jackson, R. Solar bait: How us states attract solar investments from large corporations. Energy Journal 41 (2020), 167–190.

  9. Cohen, J. J., Elbakidze, L., and Jackson, R. Interstate protectionism: The case of solar renewable energy credits. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 104 (2022), 717–738.

  10. Comer, J. C., and Jackson, R. W. A note on adjusting national input-output data for regional table construction. Journal of Regional Science 37 (1997), 145–153.

  11. Cooper, J., Jackson, R. W., and Leigh, N. G. Computational structure for linking life cycle assessment and input-output modeling: A case study on urban recycling and remanufacturing., 2013.

  12. Court, C. D., Jackson, R. W., Steele, A. J. H., Pickenpaugh, G., Jarosi, P., Adder, J., and Zelek, C. Extending macroeconomic impacts forecasting for nems. Energy Journal 43 (2022), 251–271.

  13. Court, C. D., Jackson, R. W., and White, N. The role of regional science in shale energy development. Review of Regional Studies 42 (2012), 99–105.

  14. de Araujo, I. F., Jackson, R. W., Neto, A. B. F., and Perobelli, F. S. European union membership and co2 emissions: A structural decomposition analysis. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 55 (2020), 190–203.

  15. Gebremariam, G. H., Gebremedhin, T. G., Schaefer, P. V., Phipps, T. T., and Jackson, R. Employment, income, migration and public services: a simultaneous spatial panel data model of regional growth. Papers in Regional Science (2011).

  16. Gebremariam, G. H., Gebremedhin, T. G., Schaeffer, P. V., Jackson, R., and Phipps, T. T. A spatial model of regional variations in employment growth in appalachia. R´egion et D´eveloppement 33 (2011), 73–96.

  17. Giarattani, F., Gruver, G., and Jackson, R. Clusters, agglomeration, and economic development potential: Empirical evidence based on the advent of slab casting by u.s. steel minimills. Economic Development Quarterly 21 (2007).

  18. Giarratani, F., Gruver, G., and Jackson, R. Plant location and the advent of slab casting by us steel minimills: An observation-based analysis. Economic Geography 82 (2006), 401–419.

  19. Hailu, Y. G., Gebremedhin, T. G., and Jackson, R. Assessing demographic changes and income inequalities: A case study of west virginia. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 37 (2005).

  20. Hailu, Y. G., Gebremedhin, T. G., and Jackson, R. W. An econometric analysis of the links between income inequality and economic growth. Journal of Income Distribution 18 (2009), 130–145.

  21. Hailu, Y. G., Kahsai, M., Gebremedhin, T. G., and Jackson, R. W. Is income inequality endogenous in regional growth. Journal of Income Distribution 20 (2009), 43–56.

  22. Harker-Steele, A., Jackson, R., Jarosi, P., Sharma, S., and Adder, J. Wvu/netl econometric input-output (ecio) model documentation update, 2022.

  23. Healy, R., and Jackson, R. Competition and complementarity in local economic development: A nonlinear dynamic approach. Studies in Regional Urban Planing (2001).

  24. Hewings, G. J. D., Jensen, R. C., West, G. R., Sonis, M., and Jackson, R. W. The spatial organization of production: An input-output perspective. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 23 (1989), 67–86.

  25. Hynes, M., and Jackson, R. W. Demographics in demographic-economic models: a note on the basic activity-commodity framework. Environment planning a 20 (1988), 1531–1545.

  26. Jackson, R. Conjoining interindustry linkages and ownership data: An empirical application. Growth and Change 20 (1989), 34–54.

  27. Jackson, R. The relative importance of input-coefficients and transactions in input-output structure, 1991.

  28. Jackson, R. Regionalizing national commodity-by-industry accounts. Economic Systems Research 10


  29. Jackson, R. The impacts of walter isard on geography. Journal of Geographical Systems 6 (2004), 71–77.

  30. Jackson, R. Revisiting the equity-efficiency tradeoff. Regional Science Policy Practice 3 (2011), 421–425.

  31. Jackson, R. Are industry clusters and diversity strange bedfellows? Review of Regional Studies 45 (7 2015), 113–129.

  32. Jackson, R. Io-snap cross-hauling adjustment, 2020.

  33. Jackson, R., Court, C. D., and Ghadimi, H. Linking environmental and economic frameworks to model technology transitions, 2015.

  34. Jackson, R., Geoffrey, H., and Sonis, M. Decomposition approaches to the identification of change in regional economies. Economic Geography 65 (1989), 216–231.

  35. Jackson, R., and Ja´rosi, P. Adding foreign imports to io-snap regionalization, 2020.

  36. Jackson, R., and Ja´rosi, P. Io-snap regionalization, 2020.

  37. Jackson, R., and Murray, A. T. Alternative input-output matrix updating formulations. Economic Systems Research 16 (2004), 135–148.

  38. Jackson, R., Rey, S., and Ja´rosi, P. Object orientation, open regional science, and cumulative knowledge building. Regional Research Frontiers-Vol. 2: Methodological Advances, Regional Systems Modeling and Open Sciences (2017), 259–282.

  39. Jackson, R., and Schaeffer, P. Regional Research Frontiers-Vol. 1: Innovations, Regional Growth and Migration. Springer, 2017.

  40. Jackson, R., and Schaeffer, P. Regional Research Frontiers-Vol. 2: Methodological Advances, Regional Systems Modeling and Open Sciences. Springer, 2017.

  41. Jackson, R., and Welter, C. Input-output regionalization and aggregation bias, 2023.

  42. Jackson, R. W. An evaluation of alternative measures of regional industrial diversification. Regional studies 18 (1984), 103–112.

  43. Jackson, R. W. An evaluation of alternative measures of regional industrial diversification. Regional Studies 18 (1984), 103–112.

  44. Jackson, R. W. The full-distribution approach to aggregate representation in the input-output mod- eling framework. Journal of Regional Science 26 (1986), 515–531.

  45. Jackson, R. W. Measuring the impact of external economic ownership. Geographical analysis 18

    (1986), 313–323.

  46. Jackson, R. W. Probabilistic input-output analysis: Modeling directions. Socio-economic planning sciences 23 (1989), 87–95.

  47. Jackson, R. W. Object-oriented modeling in regional science: an advocacy view. Papers in Regional Science 73 (1994), 347–367.

  48. Jackson, R. W. Directions in regional science. International Regional Science Review 18 (1995), 159–164.

  49. Jackson, R. W. Assessing the spatial variation in us technology. Contributions to Economic Analysis 249 (2001), 323–344.

  50. Jackson, R. W. Knowns, unknowns, and impacts. Review of Regional Studies 41 (7 2011), 5–11.

  51. Jackson, R. W., and Comer, J. C. An alternative to aggregated base tables in input-output table regionalization. Growth and Change 24 (1993), 191–205.

  52. Jackson, R. W., and Court, C. D. Embedding new technologies and extending time horizons in input-output analysis, 2014.

  53. Jackson, R. W., and Dzikowski, D. A. A spatial output decomposition method for assessing regional economic structure, 2002.

  54. Jackson, R. W., and Haynes, K. E. Shift-share analysis. International Encyclopedia of Human Geography (2009), 125–131.

  55. Jackson, R. W., Hewings, G., Rey, S., and Gracia, N. L. Regional development overview: challenges, adopted strategies, and new initiatives. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper (2019).

  56. Jackson, R. W., Hewings, G. J. D., Rey, S., and Lozano-Gracia, N. Regional development: Challenges, methods, and models. Regional Research Institute, West Virginia University, 2020.

  57. Jackson, R. W., and Hynes, M. Demographics in demographic-economic models: A reply to madden.

    Environment and Planning A 20 (1988), 1543–1545.

  58. Jackson, R. W., Israilevich, P. R., and Comer, J. C. A note on the role of survey data and expert opinion in constructing input-output tables. Papers in Regional Science 71 (1992), 87–93.

  59. Jackson, R. W., and Jarzab, J. T. Regional impacts of public capital investment: the o’hare rapid transit extension project. East Lakes Geographer 21 (1986), 68–76.

  60. Jackson, R. W., and Madden, M. Closing the case on closure in cole’s model. Papers in Regional Science 78 (1999), 423–427.

  61. Jackson, R. W., Madden, M., and Bowman, H. A. Closure in cole’s reformulated leontief model.

    Papers in Regional Science 76 (1997), 21–28.

  62. Jackson, R. W., Miller, H. J., and Hynes, M. A formal procedure for generating regional product accounts for u.s. regions. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 23 (1989), 271–281.

  63. Jackson, R. W., Neto, A. B. F., and Erfanian, E. Woody biomass processing: Potential economic impacts on rural regions. Energy Policy 115 (2018), 66–77.

  64. Jackson, R. W., Neto, A. B. F., Erfanian, E., and Jarosi, P. Woody biomass processing and rural regional development. Economic Development Quarterly 33 (2019), 234–247.

  65. Jackson, R. W., Rogerson, P., Plane, D., and hUallacha´in, B. O´. A causative matrix approach to interpreting structural change. Economic Systems Research 2 (1990), 259–269.

  66. Jackson, R. W., and Schwarm, W. R. Accounting foundations for interregional commodity-by- industry input-output models. Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences 4 (2011), 187–196.

  67. Jackson, R. W., Schwarm, W. R., Okuyama, Y., and Islam, S. A method for constructing commodity by industry flow matrices. Annals of Regional Science 40 (2006), 909–920.

  68. Jackson, R. W., and Sonis, M. On the spatial decomposition of forecasts. Geographical analysis 33

    (2001), 58–75.

  69. Jackson, R. W., and West, G. R. Perspectives on probabilistic input-output analysis. Frontiers of input-output analysis (1989), 79–99.

  70. jahan, S., and Jackson, R. Regional impacts assessment: An alternative approach. Oriental Geog- rapher 37 (1993).

  71. Krugh, A., LaShier, B., Jackson, R., and Munson, R. National and state economic impact of netl, 7 2009.

  72. Mikelbank, B. A., and Jackson, R. W. Equity vs. efficiency: Public capital investment in ohio, 1988-1992. Professional Geographer 51 (1999), 196–209.

  73. Mikelbank, B. A., and Jackson, R. W. The role of space in public capital research. International Regional Science Review 23 (2000), 235–258.

  74. Mulligan, G., Jackson, R., and Krugh, A. Economic base multipliers: a comparison of acds and implan. Regional Science Policy Practice 5 (2012), 289–303.

  75. Rey, S. J., and Jackson, R. W. Labor-productivity changes in regional econometric plus input- output models. Environment and Planning A 31 (1999), 1583–1599.

  76. Sayago-Gomez, J., Piras, G., Jackson, R. W., and Lacombe, D. J. Impact evaluation of investments in the appalachian region: A reappraisal. International Regional Science Review (2017).

  77. Schaefer, P. V., Jackson, R. W., and Bukenya, J. O. Regional science reconsidered. Review of Regional Studies 41 (2012), 161–177.

  78. Schaeffer, P. V., Kahsai, M. S., and Jackson, R. W. Beyond the rural–urban dichotomy: Essay in honor of professor am isserman. International Regional Science Review 36 (2013), 81–96.

  79. Schwarm, W. R., Jackson, R. W., and Okuyama, Y. An evaluation of method for constructing commodity by industry flow matrices. Journal of Regional Analysis Policy 36 (2006), 84–93.

  80. West, G. R., and Jackson, R. Input-output+econometric and ecnometric+input-output: model differences or different models? Journal of regional analysis policy 28 (1998), 33–48.

  81. West, G. R., and Jackson, R. W. Simulating impacts on regional economies: A modeling alternative, 2014.

  82. Wilkin, D. C., and Jackson, R. W. Nonpoint water quality contributions from land use. Journal of Environmental Systems 13 (1 1983), 127–136.

  83. Yu, J. B., and Jackson, R. Regional innovation clusters: A critical review. Growth and Change 42

    (2011), 111–124.

  84. Zhao, X., and Jackson, R. China’s inter-regional trade of virtual water: A multi-regional input- output table based analysis. Water Economics and Policy 2 (2016), 28.